Every month or so, we are asked by a client to explain what is meant by the phrase ‘Black Hat SEO’. Consequently, we thought it would be useful if we quickly explained what ‘Black Hatters’ do!
Black Hat SEO Definition: Black hat SEO is a practice that increases a page’s ranking in search engine results through means that violate the search engines’ guidelines or terms of service. The term “black hat” originated in Western movies to distinguish the “bad guys” from the “good guys,” who wore white hats (see white hat SEO). Recently, it’s used more commonly to describe computer hackers, virus creators, and those who perform unethical actions with computers.
In more basic terms, Black Hat SEO uses questionable techniques to manipulate search engine results for your own benefit. This practice may also focus on websites which directly compete with your own website. A lot of SEO activity today is focused on creating harmful content which point at competitor websites in the hope that their rankings will suffer as a result.
Black Hat SEO Examples:
- Content Automation
- Doorway Pages
- Hidden Text or Links
- Keyword Stuffing
- Reporting a Competitor
- Sneaky Redirects
- Cloaking
- Hacking (taking sites offline)
- Malicious Links
- Link Manipulation (link schemes etc)
Consequently, it’s important to work with an SEO agency which will keeps a watchful eye over your online real estate. If your most powerful rankings suddenly slip, you need to react quickly. Onvigil is here to provide the online intelligence you need to protect your online presence.
If you have concerns about your current online profile, why not contact us for a free website audit! We can be contacted within office hours on 03330 124 007. We look forward to hearing from you.
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As our name suggests, we exist to keep a watchful eye over your online real-estate. Onvigil is a leading UK based digital agency, serving organisations in London, Hampshire, Surrey and Sussex.
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We offer professional SEO services that help websites increase organic search visibility and compete for page one rankings for highly competitive keywords.
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